

26 June 2011

Chocolate, Caramel, Vanilla .... & Chocolate!

Cake time!
And there's plenty of it too with my last baking session.....

A big chocolate mud cake, wee little cupcakes...
Chocolate with double choc icing, Vanilla with vanilla bean icing
and Caramel with homemade caramel sauce icing!

Anyone with a sweet tooth would have a field day with these little beauties, 
And I had to pace myself with licking the bowls  :)

(Still on prac 4weeks to go! SO stay tuned for the recipes to come afterwards!)

19 June 2011

Lemon & Poppy Seeds

A Tangy Lemon Tart with Poppy Seed Macarons....

A little celebration desert for my good friends who just arrived home from galavanting around Europe

Congratulations Grace & Shane xx

(ps. Still on prac so the recipe will find its way up here one it's over..5 weeks & counting!)

04 June 2011

Milo Raspberry Cupcakes

A chocolate milo cupcake with a milo truffle icing, topped with a wee raspberry
a tad more milo (just to get the point across)!